A Massive Thank You Note to @_RelayFM

In early 2014 I became obsessed with learning about iOS automation. I had discovered Drafts and Launch Center Pro and wanted to learn all I could about making them do amazing things. In this pursuit I came across one of my favorite websites, MacStories, by Federico Viticci. In the process of scouring his articles for tips, tricks, and tutorials I came across a link to a podcast called 'The Prompt'. That click has had an incredible effect on my life.


Myke, Stephen and Federico, the hosts of The Prompt, which is now called Connected, have been leading me down a path to creating my own podcast and they have no idea. They don't know who I am, what my name is, or that they have been an encouragement to me in my pursuit of becoming a podcaster. Heck I didn't even know I wanted to be a podcaster until I started listening to their show.

It really does amaze me that 3 guys that I've never actually met could have such a great impact on my life.

So Myke, Stephen and Federico, if I ever get the chance to meet you guys I'd love to shake your hand and tell you THANK YOU. You've helped me create something special and I am grateful. But until then, this blog post will have to suffice. Thank you for all the great work you do with Relay, it's a constant encouragement and bar to aim for in my own pursuits.

-- Cam
